The downside of moving overseas….

As you may have gathered by now I am an Aussie who lives in the U.K….

We moved here because my husband C is good at what he does (at least that is what he tells me 🤣😂🤣) and transferred with his company to the other side world.

I gleefully resigned from my part-time public service job that I tolerated. Before I knew it we were setting off on a new adventure. (of course there was WAY more logistics involved in this process but that is very very boring)

The idea was that I’d stay at home and work on our Health and Wellness network marketing business and make heaps of new friends and be generally awesome….

Sounds great in theory….

It has been a year since we moved. A year where I have not worked at a traditional “job”. A year where my only focus has been getting my boys to school and making sure they are fed at intervals during the day. A year where I could pretty much do what I wanted.

So I did pretty much bugger all….

I joined a gym – which is lovely – the people are nice and friendly. I really enjoy my social interactions with them.

I know I am in the very fortunate position where I do not need to work. I know how lucky I am that I don’t have to drag myself to a boring 9-5 to pay the bills.. I suppose most people find new social circles through their jobs, which I don’t have….

But I am lonely…

I draw energy from people (it’s not as scary as it sounds) I love nothing more than a good chat over coffee…. Being around people is uplifting for me…

The British as a whole are not very open people. Don’t get me wrong they are very friendly (more so than Aussies in some ways) but they are far more reserved and closed off than I am used to.

So although I interact with people most days (and there are days when I don’t) I don’t get the same uplifting energy I got from working and socialising in Australia.

So what do I do? Try harder and risk scaring people off with my enthusiasm? Curb my personality and try and crack those hard British shells? Increase my circle – go out and do things, sign up for classes and find my niche?? Volunteer my time and find social interaction AND purpose??

Whatever I do (I doubt I’ll be curbing my personality!!) I know I have to get out there to do it!! People won’t come to me (except the postman and lovely as he is I think he’s too busy to chat for longer than 5 minutes!!)

I’ve had my sabbatical – time to get back into life!!

Watch this space!!