
New Year’s Resolutions….

I had a little hiccup this year when it came to starting my New Year’s resolution (NYR)… I got sick…

Usually around New Years I’m sitting in 40° heat in Australia wondering if it’s wrong to run the air conditioner 24/7 on high….

However, life has delivered me to the other side of the world (UK). I have gone from working out how the quickest way to cool the car down AND get the groceries home before everything melts/spoils to deciding if wearing ear muffs over a beanie is necessary or overkill….

So of course in the spirit of assimilation I have picked up a nasty flu bug and completely derailed my NYR plans….

This year was going to be MY YEAR!! I was going to focus on myself, love myself more, put myself first and, of course, everything else would fall perfectly into place….

Instead this is how my year began….

  • My 13 year old son (Ev) decided that he would run a ridiculously high fever for 3 days straight, interspersed with uncontrollable bleeding noses and coughing fits ( I did take him to the Dr who shrugged and said “its going around – paracetamol, fluids and rest”)
  • My body decided that getting out of bed was optional and slept for 18 hours a day (only waking to care for Master 13 – and only if my eldest son or husband were not around – which luckily for me they were)

My perfect start to the New Year was thwarted by illness…. I didn’t get up and meditate, followed by nutritious breakfast on the way to the gym for an energetic session of boxing/ body pump/ FST…..

BUT instead of letting reality get in the way I’m going to Let it Go (please do NOT sing the song!!) and pick myself up and kick my lazy butt into gear!! If I’m being truly honest with myself I have spent the last day or so taking advantage of the last vestiges of this flu – when I should have been planning to get back into the world!!!

Perhaps I need to rethink the whole NYR thing…. Life is ALWAYS going to get in the way of plans… Maybe instead of making sweeping, grandiose plans at the beginning of each year I need to make weekly goals – easily achievable and more flexible with a busy life….

I think I might be onto something…

Watch this space…..

Photo Credit: Getty Images

Addicted to Food….

I am an emotional eater…

I have been pretty much all my life…

I also have an unfortunate habit of rewarding myself with food as well…

So you can imagine my absolute struggle with this situation. My fallback when I’m sad, lonely, unhappy, hurt, angry etc is to find “comfort” in food…

The stupid thing is that I KNOW this will not make me feel any better for more than about 5 minutes… I KNOW that eating unhealthily does not serve me well in the long run (or even the short term)… So why do I blatantly ignore myself and go ahead with such destructive behaviour?

I think it has to do with my self worth at the time… I seem to sway between quite high and low self esteem which depends on what is going on in my life at the time… I have recently been through a period of quite low self esteem due to feelings of isolation and loneliness… I had enough of feeling like this so I’m working on loving myself again.

Man, it is hard work!! Looking at myself in the mirror and telling myself that I am allowed to be valued and I am worthwhile has been quite confronting for me… To be honest it just makes me want to reach for a family block of chocolate!!

Working through my issues has been so much harder because eating is something we have to do to survive. I have had to differentiate between “wholesome” (and ok to eat) food and “black hole, red alert, emotional vortex” food. I have had to try and identify my triggers and come up with a plan to avoid feeling vulnerable. Funnily enough, it can be really odd things that set me off. Not heartbreaking, soul destroying things but everyday slights… Now THAT is something that blindsides me – eating my way through a small almost insignificant matter – why do I let the little things affects me so much??

Throw my little habit of rewarding myself with food into the mix and I have yet another set of feelings to identify… Ooohhh I’ve worked out time for a “treat”. Yay me I’ve been fantastic must be OK to celebrate with sugar/ carbs or whipped cream!

So it seems that I have a sub conscious reason to eat badly ALL THE TIME..

Hopefully by acknowledging my issues I can be aware of them and keep them in check. It’s not going to be easy. And PLEASE don’t ever call me out on it (seriously it would be like taking a bone from a dog – dangerous and not at all good for your health!!)

I know that I am a work in progress (aren’t we all really??) and with any luck I can reduce my “emotional eating/rewarding myself with food” tendencies to something that is insignificant or at the very least manageable.

Pity Party for one…..

I am in a bad mood today.

I spend most of my days being positive, looking for the silver lining and trying to be the best person I possibly can be…

Today I want to rip everyone’s head off and shove it down their throats (which I think might be quite difficult!!)

Funnily enough I am actually feeling quite good about today’s pity party…. It is like all the negative feelings I squash everyday are coming to the surface…. It’s like I suddenly realised I am allowed to have the odd off day…

Not many things phase me so when I am in a mood like this it’s bad… Like stay away bad…. Don’t tell me to “let it go” or “bless and release” cause I DON’T WANT TO!!! I don’t need a gentle reminder that the reasons I am upset are petty or I should think about it from the other persons point of view…..

I think it comes down to the fact that there are times in my life that I want to put myself first…. I want someone, anyone to just acknowledge that I am upset about something and let me be upset!! Let me wallow for a while…. I want a bit of “I understand where you are coming from”

I know the best thing in life is to try and be positive and be gracious but darn it sometimes I just want to have an all out, mother of them all, toddler tantrum without judgement or advice!!

Perhaps being in a bad mood is my minds way of telling me something isn’t right…. That I am really hurt or upset or pissed off about something…. It might not be directed at anyone in particular. It might be more to do with the fact I’m drowning in mud (almost literally) or that I have been feeling ignored by life… Maybe I need time to process these feelings so I can get to a point where I can “bless and release”…

I’m not a complex person. I don’t need constant reassurance. I can be relied on the be the best cheerleader, advisor, coach, friend or crutch.

Just not on the day when I’m having a pity party for one….

The downside of moving overseas….

As you may have gathered by now I am an Aussie who lives in the U.K….

We moved here because my husband C is good at what he does (at least that is what he tells me 🤣😂🤣) and transferred with his company to the other side world.

I gleefully resigned from my part-time public service job that I tolerated. Before I knew it we were setting off on a new adventure. (of course there was WAY more logistics involved in this process but that is very very boring)

The idea was that I’d stay at home and work on our Health and Wellness network marketing business and make heaps of new friends and be generally awesome….

Sounds great in theory….

It has been a year since we moved. A year where I have not worked at a traditional “job”. A year where my only focus has been getting my boys to school and making sure they are fed at intervals during the day. A year where I could pretty much do what I wanted.

So I did pretty much bugger all….

I joined a gym – which is lovely – the people are nice and friendly. I really enjoy my social interactions with them.

I know I am in the very fortunate position where I do not need to work. I know how lucky I am that I don’t have to drag myself to a boring 9-5 to pay the bills.. I suppose most people find new social circles through their jobs, which I don’t have….

But I am lonely…

I draw energy from people (it’s not as scary as it sounds) I love nothing more than a good chat over coffee…. Being around people is uplifting for me…

The British as a whole are not very open people. Don’t get me wrong they are very friendly (more so than Aussies in some ways) but they are far more reserved and closed off than I am used to.

So although I interact with people most days (and there are days when I don’t) I don’t get the same uplifting energy I got from working and socialising in Australia.

So what do I do? Try harder and risk scaring people off with my enthusiasm? Curb my personality and try and crack those hard British shells? Increase my circle – go out and do things, sign up for classes and find my niche?? Volunteer my time and find social interaction AND purpose??

Whatever I do (I doubt I’ll be curbing my personality!!) I know I have to get out there to do it!! People won’t come to me (except the postman and lovely as he is I think he’s too busy to chat for longer than 5 minutes!!)

I’ve had my sabbatical – time to get back into life!!

Watch this space!!

Please stop flashing me…

I’m a big fan of living in the U.K…

The people are friendly and there is so much to see and do!!

There is however one thing that irks me… Something that freaked me out when I first moved here.. Something that is done with all the best intentions in the world but really is just annoying bordering on dangerous…

It’s the flashing….

Now I’m not talking about a dodgy person in a trench coat… I’m talking about fellow drivers flashing their headlights at you…

Now for those of you who don’t know – if someone flashes their head lights at you in Australia it mainly means one of two things:

* Slow down you idiot the cops are up the road and they have a radar – this is for cars coming towards you

* Are you a complete moron? You have no clue how to drive and are a menace on the road (add many many expletives here) – this is for cars behind you.

As you can imagine unless you are a maniac on the road you don’t get a lot of headlights flashed at you in Australia.

In the U.K. however it means either:

* even though I have right of way I’m going to be super lovely and let you go

* thank you

Now it has taken me a long time to get used to drivers in the U.K.

I am a good driver – a really good driver. It is something that I like to do… Driving around my local area is lovely… Slightly dangerous but lovely!! You see the roads are not nearly wide enough for me, oncoming traffic AND parked cars.

On a typical day I will need to spend a lot of time driving on the wrong side of the road just to progress up a street!! Of course when a car comes the other way there is a sort of dance – if there are parked cars on their side of the road they wait and vice versa. If there are parked cars in a higgledy piggledy manner one either goes and hopes for the best or there is a bit of a game of flashing – you go, no you go, no you go, no I insist you go… I’m not British so 1 flash from the other car and I’m off!! But I have seen a stand off where 2 cars are at an impasse of politeness…. It’s quite funny – unless you are stuck behind one of them!!

This practice, although annoying (and apparently illegal according to the road rules) is not nearly as frustrating as the flashing of headlights to say thank you…

I spend a lot of time driving in the dark here. Taking O (Mr 16) to and from the train station is often in the dark. I have to drive up a few long streets with cars parked on the so there is a lot of weaving in and out to get past the parked cars. There is also a lot of waiting. And a lot of flashing to say thank you for waiting.



It’s too dazzling for me. I wear glasses, I have an astigmatism, when headlights are flashed at me I get light refractions in front of my eyes. It literally dazzles me. Which can be kinda dangerous.

I am certain that this practice is so ingrained in the citizens of the U.K. half the time they probably don’t even realise they are doing it… It would probably never occur to someone that flashing their headlights can actually be dangerous (for more reasons than just the few I have pointed out). And don’t get me wrong – it’s nice to live in a country where drivers are actually polite and let you in BUT man I wish they’d just stop flashing me!!!

The machines are taking over…..

There is a point of pride in our house…. When the dishwasher, washing machine and dryer (don’t judge me I live in the U.K.!!) are all going at once C and I feel quite accomplished!!

As I have stated before I’m not particularly keen on housework (is anyone?). Give me a good book (I can highly recommend Big Little Lies – brilliant) over vacuuming the rugs any day…

I love to bake but that generally creates twice as much kitchen cleaning… C and the boys will know when I have been cooking up a storm due to the amount of pots, pans and utensils are strewn across the granite bench tops!

Recently I have noticed that most of my household appliances are very bossy… And by bossy I mean loud, insistently so… Everything beeps…. Even my toaster sounds like a truck is backing it’s way through my kitchen!! Leave the fridge open too long – beep! The dishwasher is finished – beep beep beep! (this one seriously doesn’t stop until you open it) The washing machine and dryer often sound like they are in competition, vying for my attention! Even the vacuum cleaning freaking beeps at me!!!

Add the answering machine, intercom, door bell (the intercom can be unreliable) the security system, the thermomix, the blender, the coffee machine and the Bluetooth speakers my kitchen hadn’t got a quiet corner and there is no where to hide!!!

One day I dream of a simpler life where I will just accidentally discover that the washing machine has finished and the dishwasher needs unstacking… Without them yelling at me!! Hey, a girl can dream – right?

You’re scared of what?

Anyone who had a serious childhood phobia will tell you how much it affected their lives growing up.

I was a child who had a terrible fear of dogs. An absolute refuse to get out of the car, avoid people who had them, cross the street to get away from them fear. Sheer terror came over me whenever I was even close to a dog.

Now for all you animal lovers out there please know – this was not something I chose. I never wanted to be afraid of dogs. I wanted to be able to play with them like everyone else, but something physically stopped me from being able to. Whenever a dog was nearby I could tell, my heart rate increased, my breathing became laboured, I started to panic.

I would actively avoid places and people with dogs. Unless I was confident the owner would put their dog outside/away I couldn’t get out of the car to visit people (and this was from way before I can actually remember according to my parents)

And believe me I have heard it all:

“Oh my dog won’t hurt you” – I’m sure this is the case but I actually have a phobia so no reasonable explanation will help me now. Your assurances are not convincing me. Plus I’m not actually scared of your dog hurting me at all, I’m scared it will jump on me, wag it’s tail, be happy to see me and be generally uncontrollable.

“My dog is very friendly” – yes he looks quite the playful pup – I would love nothing more than to cuddle that gorgeous face but I’ll start hyperventilating before he can get anywhere near me

“She’s just a puppy” – yep I can see that – even though he looks a similar size to a small horse, there is a certain youthful look in his eyes (I can definitely see that through the car door)

“You are being hysterical” yes I am.

I now know that my phobia of dogs was plain old anxiety. An anxiety that for some reason manifested itself around man’s best friend. I’m not sure if it’s because I couldn’t predict a dogs next move or if it was something more primal.

People really do not understand a phobia of dogs (or Cynophobia for those who are interested). Dogs are cool! They love you unconditionally, they will cuddle you and protect you but when you are a 5 year old girl crying because a dog sniffed your hand it’s baffling. As a teenager/ young adult it was easier to lie and say I was allergic to dogs – now people CAN understand allergies!

Now I’m a fully fledged adult who has worked through my anxiety issues (which started showing up in other places in my life) I’m MUCH better with dogs. I must say I can be wary of them but I have learnt to enter people’s houses with dogs. I do not cross the road to avoid them and I even play with my close friends dogs when I visit .

I now explain to people my phobia, I tell them it is uncontrollable. I am honest about why I’m not able to be a normal person around dogs (I still need time to warm up to them). I tell them that there are times when I cannot relax around dogs. Then I say “but I can kill a spider” now THAT is something they do understand!!

Embracing the “Nanna Nap”

I love a good nap! For me there is nothing better than having an afternoon sleep to recharge the batteries….

I do, for some reason though, feel like this announcement is more like some sort of confession rather than a statement..

Is it just me or do we see napping as something negative? Like we should be doing something more productive….

I think my love of naps started when my boys were little and I took on the sage advice of my mother “sleep when they are sleeping”. Now I’m not sure she meant a mid afternoon kip on the lounge but if the boys had nodded off then I was going to as well!!

Maybe my energy levels need boosting more than others but what better way than snuggling into my comfy bed? (especially on a cold winters day) Better for my health than a energy soft drink I’m sure!!

Of course if I have something important to do (like work or picking kids up from school) a nap is definitely off the agenda… I wouldn’t dream of blowing off my responsibilities for a delicious snooze!!

So I have made an important decision! I’m going to appreciate my free time and happily use it to do whatever I choose!! I am going to hold my head high and be a proud napper!! No more thinking this pastime is a guilty pleasure!! I am embracing the “Nanna Nap” it all its delicious glory!!!

The evolution of motherhood….

I am currently the Mum (or Mumma as they still call me – their choice not mine!) of 2 teenage boys….

Right now I’m waiting with my youngest at the orthodontist office waiting for his braces to be put on…

So of course my thoughts turn to motherhood…. Why not? It’s a Wednesday afternoon in Berkshire!

When I case my mind back I can see how much my role as a mother has evolved… I know that is probably stating the obvious but it’s not something I think about all the time….

Obviously I feed, clothe, shelter my kids – the basic building blocks of being a parent but I’m thinking more about how my role changes as my children grow… I love my children unconditionally and tell them more than once daily…

When they were babies it was all about getting through the day, feeding, burping, bathing etc… Kisses and cuddles and peek a boo! Singing lullabies and frantically search for dummies (pacifiers) under the lounge!

As toddlers I spent a lot of my time trying to find a balance between creating boundaries without squashing their independent spirit and gorgeous personalities… With a lot of finger painting, bubble blowing, Wiggles and Play School (I am so not anti TV!!)

Going into school it was learning to read and write, fighting about homework, weekend sports, juggling their social calendars (birthday parties at 5 & 6 are fierce!!) PLUS speech pathology, occupational therapy, podiatrist, optometrist (seriously I don’t remember even being aware of these professions as a child let alone attend a session!!)

As they progressed into upper primary was when bullying came into play – literally… I still remember my eldest coming home – all serious say “Mumma I’m being bullied” all I can say is kids can be CRUEL…. So not only was I managing homework, extra curricular activities I was cradling my children’s fragile self esteems and trying to find a balance between kicking up an almighty stink and standing back to see how it all played out…

Into High School, more homework (are you sensing a theme here?), more bullying (although luckily my kids went to a fantastic school and had found some valuable coping mechanisms), plus hormones…. I find myself wanting to protect my children even more than ever but knowing it’s time to start letting them have more independence… I also find myself being a taxi service more than ever (good thing I love driving!) and I seem to spend a LOT of time at the orthodontist…. Add iPads, Xboxes and internet safety into the mix. This parenting thing is exhausting!!

In amongst all of this we make the decision to move overseas – Australia to U.K…

My kids are resilient little beings, they always have been! A move overseas, in the middle of the school year is hard on anyone – my eldest took to the changes like a duck to water, he loves school, loves the extra independence he has, he has a healthy social life and a (gulp) girlfriend!!

My youngest however isn’t such a happy bunny – he isn’t settling in as well and is finding life in English schools much harder “Mumma” he says “you think Aussie kids are bad? They have nothing on British kids AND they get to hide behind this thing called banter” (look it up its a real thing!)

As a mother I just want to protect him from what he is going through but I know that he needs to work his own way through it. A huge part of his personality relies on me knowing when to intervene and when to butt out… When he was younger I would have told him what to do but as he gets older he needs me to let him work it out for himself. So my role has gone from protector and conquerer to advisor and (closet) worrier….

These days I don’t sweat the small stuff – if the boys don’t do their homework it is no my problem – they need to deal with it. They need to get their own snacks, heck most of the time their own dinner (I cleanse a lot!) I just make sure there is a fridge full of healthy choices that might catch their eye. If they want noodles they have to cook it themselves. They are in charge of when they shower, when they study, the only exception is that we try (operative word there) to eat dinner at the table on a regular basis – otherwise we’d be ships in the night..

Recently my eldest son has started washing his own clothes – rather than getting upset about not being able to do such things for him – I am rejoicing – he is learning to live an independent life! Organically – not throwing himself in the deep end like I did (with some occasionally interesting consequences…)

So my role as a mother has definitely changed – I have gone from caretaker, to role model to advisor to landlord (or at least it feels like that some days) the only things that I insist my children do is – say please and thank you, be kind to others, tell me where they are going and what they are doing, talk to me about anything and ask because the worst I can say is no.

I’m not a perfect mother – far from it – I Actually very rarely talk openly about my role as a mother because I believe it doesn’t define who I am – it’s a massive part of my life but there is so much more to me – hence why it’s important to me to acknowledge and cherish my evolution of motherhood…


A year ago today (thank you Facebook memories!!) was my last day in Australia before I moved to the U.K.

I was all organised!! My husband C had been in the U.K. for 2 months already, finding a house to rent, working and setting thing up… I was winding up our life in Australia – excited for what the future was to bring….

Over Christmas both my brother and C’s Nanna has commented on a mole on my right jawline – and how it had changed… I made a mental note of their comments and continued getting ready to leave the country… In the new Year I travelled to New Zealand for a friends wedding, returning just in time to pretty much grab the kids and my mum (who was coming over to help is set up) and fly to London.

The morning of our last full day in Aus I asked my mother in law (who is a Dr) to check the mole. I had an appointment with my GP to get letters to travel with medication -but I was going to blow off the appointment (I never used those letters before!!) She looked at it and told me it might be a good idea to get it checked out..

So I went to the Dr, showed her my mole saying “it’s probably nothing but can you check this out?”

I still remember the look she gave me. I still remember the slight feeling of panic when she picked up the phone and cancelled appointments around lunchtime to remove it. I still remember her saying “Crap! I’m not happy with the look of that”. I still remember her explaining to me that given that I’m moving overseas it would be best to get the mole removed and biopsied straight away because who knew how long it would take to get into a GP in the U.K.

Still it NEVER occurred to me that it was anything more than a slightly suspicious looking mole.

So I return, lay down on the procedure table and wince in pain at the local anaesthetic injections. She digs around for a bit, then stops, looks me in the eye and says “Now I’ve removed this I’m REALLY not happy about this mole”

Still it NEVER occurred to me that it was anything more than a slightly suspicious looking mole.

Turns out it was a melanoma, luckily it was caught early. The margins were clear but I needed further treatment. But HOLY SHIT cancer?? WTF?? Now I have heard so many stories since about how common this is but my first thought was I HAD CANCER IN MY BODY???

My second thought was thank goodness I got my mole checked. I actually shudder to think where I would be today if I had ignored it… (Thank you Nanna and A!!)

Because the margins were clear I just needed a second surgery to 100% make everything was gone.

Having the second surgery was traumatic – I won’t lie to you. I had to be awake to ensure there was no nerve damage. It took over an hour. I had so much local anaesthetic I shaking (they couldn’t give me enough to stop the pain) The whole experience was horrendous. The second surgery took me about 9 months to get over physically and emotionally (but that’s another story)

So my tiny mole (half the size of a pinky nail) is now a scar that runs along the underside of my jawline (approx 12cm) A scar that still hurts and itches. A scar that will always be a reminder to me that life is precious and I do need to take my health seriously. A scar that reminds me that the melanoma was successfully removed without the need for further treatment.

GET YOUR MOLES CHECKED – It could just save your life! I’m pretty sure it saved mine….

Just Smile and Wave Boys… Smile and Wave….

My husband C and I embarked on a health journey mid 2016…

C had the most amazing results!! He is fitter, stronger and looks years younger!! He has gone from an XL to a M in clothes and is pretty spunky to boot!! As this was a time when he was in the U.K. and I was finalising everything back in Australia I literally found myself arriving in the U.K. to a new husband (which I can tell you is quite freaky and more than a bit disconcerting!!)

My journey was not so successful. I can give you all the reasons and excuses why but all I’m going to say is I have not had a dramatic physical change…

Please don’t get me wrong – I’m incredibly proud and supportive of C and love watching people’s reactions to how great he looks! If you know him please do not stop complimenting him as he really has worked hard to get where he is!

But it still hurts when someone gushes over how fantastic C looks and then I get a once over glance with “oh and your looking well”…. (cause we all know what THAT means)

It still hurts when people look at me and look at him and wonder why we are a couple (the pitfalls of moving to another country where people haven’t known us for years) especially with the inference that I must have “let myself go”….

It still hurts when people say to me “oh it’s so much easier for men”…..

But instead of letting those little hurts dig away at me (and to be frank I really must stop trying to read people’s mind – it does not serve me well!) I need to bless and release and stop letting C’s success get in the way of mine…. Smile and Wave and just get on with life…..

I honestly do not think I am jealous or envious of C – I think I just wish that I had of put the hard work in from the beginning. Hindsight is a wonderful thing and looking back I’ve been a bit more than lax on my road to health and fitness….

So I can choose to get caught up in the merry-go-round of “I’m never going to catch up” or “it’s never going to happen for me” or I can jump off and start a new journey – one where I do not compare myself to others (especially my husband) and focus on putting in the hard work for myself…

So it’s time to re-start my own health and fitness journey – and not let anyone’s success get in my head!! Smile and Wave indeed!!

Photo credit: memegenerator.com