New Year’s Resolutions….

I had a little hiccup this year when it came to starting my New Year’s resolution (NYR)… I got sick…

Usually around New Years I’m sitting in 40° heat in Australia wondering if it’s wrong to run the air conditioner 24/7 on high….

However, life has delivered me to the other side of the world (UK). I have gone from working out how the quickest way to cool the car down AND get the groceries home before everything melts/spoils to deciding if wearing ear muffs over a beanie is necessary or overkill….

So of course in the spirit of assimilation I have picked up a nasty flu bug and completely derailed my NYR plans….

This year was going to be MY YEAR!! I was going to focus on myself, love myself more, put myself first and, of course, everything else would fall perfectly into place….

Instead this is how my year began….

  • My 13 year old son (Ev) decided that he would run a ridiculously high fever for 3 days straight, interspersed with uncontrollable bleeding noses and coughing fits ( I did take him to the Dr who shrugged and said “its going around – paracetamol, fluids and rest”)
  • My body decided that getting out of bed was optional and slept for 18 hours a day (only waking to care for Master 13 – and only if my eldest son or husband were not around – which luckily for me they were)

My perfect start to the New Year was thwarted by illness…. I didn’t get up and meditate, followed by nutritious breakfast on the way to the gym for an energetic session of boxing/ body pump/ FST…..

BUT instead of letting reality get in the way I’m going to Let it Go (please do NOT sing the song!!) and pick myself up and kick my lazy butt into gear!! If I’m being truly honest with myself I have spent the last day or so taking advantage of the last vestiges of this flu – when I should have been planning to get back into the world!!!

Perhaps I need to rethink the whole NYR thing…. Life is ALWAYS going to get in the way of plans… Maybe instead of making sweeping, grandiose plans at the beginning of each year I need to make weekly goals – easily achievable and more flexible with a busy life….

I think I might be onto something…

Watch this space…..

Photo Credit: Getty Images